Migrant Pest Control

Migrant Pest Control


A knapsack mistblower with CDA rotary atomiser attachment for professional users in agriculture, migrant pest control and public health applications.


A range of petrol engine powered vehicle-mounted, air-assisted CDA sprayers for low and ultra-low volume application of insecticides for locust/migrant pest control, public health applications and general agricultural spraying tasks.


A versatile mistblower attachment for low and ultra-low volume pest control.

Spraytrac II GPS Track Guidance System

The Micronair Spraytrac GPS track guidance system is designed specifically to provide precision guidance for ground vehicles used for the control of locusts and other migrant pests.  The system enables the driver to follow parallel spray tracks whilst recording the position of the vehicle and the status of the sprayer.


A hand-held CDA sprayer for very low volume (VLV) and ultra-low volume (ULV) application of insecticides and fungicides, using the wind to carry spray away from the operator for maximum safety in use.

Ulvamast V4

Incorporating CDA (Controlled Droplet Application) technology, Ulvamast V4 is a vehicle mounted ULV sprayer for migrant pest control.


Dwyer Portable Windmeter

The Dwyer Portable Windmeter is ideal for quick and easy measurement of wind speed in any outdoor situation.

Vibra-Tak Tachometer

The Vibra-Tak “Slide Rule” Tachometer instantly checks speed in RPM.